The photograph (above) shows from left-right – Hazel O’Hara, Jean Bisset, May Sanders, Katharine Kilgour and George Swift.
Feast of St.James (Wednesday 25th July 2018) at our mid-week Eucharist; The Holy Trinity Branch of the Mothers’ Union enrolled 3 new members. The celebrant at the Eucharist was Fr.Andrew Duff retired Anglican priest, and The Rector took the enrollment when new members (Jean Bisset, May Sanders and George Swift) were presented by Branch leader Katharine Kilgour supported by existing members who together reaffirmed baptismal promises and committed to the membership aims and objects of the world wide organisation. Prayers were said for the Mothers Union membership on the worldwide calendar of prayer for today in dioceses in Kenya, Sudan, Australia and England. We were joined by visitors and guests from Hamilton and Wishaw.