5th March – At Holy Trinity

Participants with Stephanie Manders (centre back row)
Had a great turn out at our ‘Coffee and pancake ‘ event at Holy Trinity Church today. Thanks to a band of willing helpers our church was able to host a meet and greet coffee and pancake event where Stephanie Manders from the Scottish Food Coalition facilitated round table talks about the Scottish government’s Good Food Nation proposals for legislation. The event was facilitated by Katharine Kilgour volunteer \Good Food Ambassador with the Scottish Food Coalition initiative for a Good Food Nation. Our hope is that the Scottish government will protect and progress everyone’s right to food:the right to be able to access nutritious food and healthy food which is sourced, processed, and distributed in a fair and sustainable manner. Friends living in Scotland have until 29 March to make their views known to the Scottish government simply by following this link https://www.gov.scot/…/good-food-nation-proposals-legislat…/