Members of Holy Trinity Mothers’ Union with friends and community partners
Alzheimer’s Scotland – Mothers’ Union Meeting Tuesday 16th APRIL
We all found Deborah Edgar’s talk about the work of Alzheimer’s Scotland and interactive session on how to be a Dementia Friend very informative, and helpful. Those who attended were delighted to become dementia friends.
It’s reassuring to know there is support available in the community for people suffering from Dementia and knowing what practical measures may be taken to assist people to live well makes a big difference. If anyone has any concerns relating to a friend or relative, there is a 24 hour Dementia HELPLINE with a freephone 0808 808 3000 and an email helpline@alzscot.org
Mothers’ Union Meetings are open to men and women of all ages, all faiths or none.
ALL WELCOME.No charge: Donations for Refreshments and home baking after the talk
Enquiries: e.mail: holytrinitymothersunion@gmail.com Phone: 01698 672399
At our next meeting on Tuesday 21st May at 7.30 pm, Agnes Cleland, our speaker, will talk about her work of ‘Befriending’ in Motherwell.
On 18 June 2019 at 7.30 pm, Geraldine Duffy from the Miracle Foundation will give a talk on ‘Bereavement and Trauma Support for kids, adolescents and teens’.