Last Sunday the Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkshire the Lady Susan Haughey CBE was the honoured guest of the vestry committee at the dedication service for the Holy Trinity Community Access Project. The church hosted several guests, friends and families associated with the church for occasion. The service was led by lay reader emeritus Charlie Sargent. The rector Rev Richard Kilgour presided at the altar and gave the sermon. In the sermon reference was made to inclusion and hospitality to the ‘stranger’ in the New Testament letter of the Hebrews and the banqueting guests referred to in Luke’s gospel. The organist was Betty Sargent and she accompanied hymns and parts of the Eucharist with voluntary pieces before and after the service. The cross bearer was Danny Craig, the altar server Grace Craig and the readings were given by Katharine Kilgour. As part of the service two youngsters made their first communion. Ava and Kara Lynch who presently serve in the choir were accompanied by two godparents ; affirmed the creed and received their welcome as communicants in the church. There were 75 communicants in attendance with support from our congregation at Motherwell and St. Andrew’s Wishaw.
At the close of the service the cross and choir led the procession to the south door of the church. The rector gave the prayer of dedication with the call to ‘let our work be a bridge that gives access to all’, and the completed works were declared open as the Lady Haughey cut the ribbon. In appreciation Ava and Kara Lynch presented Lady Haughey with a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the congregation. The dedication was followed by the unveiling of a plaque for the ramp access to be named in memory of the late Robert Sanders. Mrs May Sanders and family members were in attendance. Following the conclusion of the official proceedings the church hosted refreshments for all. A vote of thanks was given by the rector to Lady Haughey before she left. With regard to this project the rector has said ‘We are delighted that the Lord Lieutenant accepted our invitation to mark our special dedication event. The total cost of the works involved in the Community Access project came to approx. £55,000. We are so grateful to our fund raisers – individuals obtaining sponsorships, supporters of church fundraising, grant aid from All Churches Trust and Viridor Credits in Scotland, and many generous donations including anonymous contributions and those made by individuals, or in memory of a loved one. Our wider community including North Lanarkshire Council and Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire have been a constant source of invaluable support and advice’. The rector reports that the activities at the church continue to be developed with junior and adult table tennis activities, new yoga classes for all, and continuing programme of activities including a Wednesday dancing class.